X.Org BoD meeting minutes 2020-03-26

Lyude Paul lyude at redhat.com
Thu Mar 26 20:04:04 UTC 2020

These are the meeting minutes the X.Org Board of Directors [1] meeting.
Minutes and IRC logs are published on the wiki [2, 3].

The X.Org board meets every two weeks on Thu/Fri (depending on your
timezone) in the #xf-bod IRC channel on irc.oftc.net. Please refer to the
X.Org Google calendar [4] for time and date of the next meeting.

For any issues that need to come to the attention of the board please email
me or board at foundation.x.org and we will add it to the agenda for the next

[1] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors
[2] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries
[3] http://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs
[4] https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nl1n1fmvu091eqh35ldqspar80@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=US/Pacific

== Disclaimer ==
Best efforts are made to ensure the below is accurate and valid. However,
errors sometimes happen. If any errors or omissions are found, please bring
them to my or the board's attention.

## Attendees

Daniel Vetter,
Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez,
Lyude Paul,
Manasi Navare,
Bryce Harrington,
Keith Packard,
Eric Anholt,
Harry Wentland,

Trevor Woerner,
Daniel Stone


## Summary

Agenda: VESA status, requesting ledger data from SPI, XDC2019 sponsor invoicing,
X.org/freedesktop.org domain status, elections, XDC2020 sponsors,
freedesktop.org cloud hosting

## Reminders for folks tuning in via minutes!

Don't forget to renew your X.org membership, as elections are coming up and
membership will be temporarily frozen after we start publishing candidates.

## Items discussed

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ITEM: VESA status
Members should have gotten a DisplayPort 2.0 spec, and DP errata!

ITEM: Requesting ledger data from SPI
No update yet, might take a while with COVID stuff happening
ACTIONS: Lyude to poke SPI
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: XDC2019 sponsor invoicing
No updates yet :\
ACTIONS: Daniel and other relevant folks to keep poking
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: X.org/freedesktop.org domain status
Still no updates from SPI
ACTIONS: Keith to keep poking SPI
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: Elections
We've received enough nominations that we should be able to start the elections
on-time, hooray!
ACTIONS: Proceed with elections as-planned
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: XDC2020 sponsors
DISCLAIMER: Nothing scary has happened yet, no changes to the plans for XDC 2020
have been made. This is just so we have a cancellation policy for sponsors if
something COVID related were to cause problems in the upcoming months.
Daniel added a section on cancellations to our sponsorship levels. Board voted
to approve statement.
ACTIONS: Daniel to keep haggling sponsors
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: Cloud hosting for freedesktop.org
Good news - we've poked potential freedesktop.org sponsors and are in discussion
with them. As well, thanks to our volunteer admin Benjamin Tissoires we now have
logging for CI. Additionally, we've managed to dramatically decrease our
resource usage for many of our largest projects and our CI registry usage is
almost as low as we can take it. Some resource hogs still need to be addressed,
but we're working on doing so.
ACTIONS: Benjamin and other freedesktop.org admins to continue working on
decreasing our CI costs, Daniel and others to keep poking sponsors.
STATUS: Pending
	Lyude Paul (she/her)
	Associate Software Engineer at Red Hat

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