X.Org BoD meeting minutes 2019-08-01

Daniel Vetter daniel.vetter at ffwll.ch
Thu Aug 1 19:55:57 UTC 2019

These are the meeting minutes the X.Org Board of Directors [1] meeting.
Minutes and IRC logs are published on the wiki [2, 3].

The X.Org board meets every two weeks on Thu/Fri (depending on your
timezone) in the #xf-bod IRC channel on irc.oftc.net. Please refer to the
X.Org Google calendar [4] for time and date of the next meeting.

For any issues that need to come to the attention of the board please email
me or board at foundation.x.org and we will add it to the agenda for the next

[1] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors
[2] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries
[3] http://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs
[4] https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nl1n1fmvu091eqh35ldqspar80@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=US/Pacific

== Disclaimer ==
Best efforts are made to ensure the below is accurate and valid. However,
errors sometimes happen. If any errors or omissions are found, please bring
them to my or the board's attention.

## Attendees

Daniel Vetter,
Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez,
Lyude Paul,
Bryce Harrington,
Eric Anholt,
Harry Wentland,

Trevor Woerner


Manasi Navare,
Keith Packard,

## Summary

Agenda: gsoc/evoc, travel request,  xdc20, xdc cfp/sponsors, fd.o admins

Both gsoc students passed 2nd evaluation!

Board selects location & org team for XDC20.

XDC19 program fixed, waiting for collabora for announcement.

Workshop CFP reopening, bring on the proposals!

## Items discussed

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ITEM: gsoc/evoc
All good, both students passed 2nd evaluation. Board approves 150$ for hw for a
gsoc student.
No evoc updates.
ACTIONS: Trevor/Eric to get the reimbursement sorted.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: travel request update
One updated travel request, 80$ more than previous, board approves.
ACTIONS: Daniel send reply
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: xdc20
Unfortunately one of the two very strong proposals was withdrawn. Board approves
the other. Announcement left to organizers for the big fanfares.
ACTIONS: Samuel to send out mails.

ITEM: xdc cfp
Program is done. Looking for more workshops. Indico seems to work reasonably
well. Some cosmetic shuffling around lightning talks still need to be done.
Everyone notified, pending 2 confirmations for accepted talks (those presenters
are on vacations). Huge thanks to Samuel for running the CFP show.
ACTIONS: Collabora needs to send out announcement
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: xdc19 misc
Sponsors looking good. Too many questions about visa invitation letters, need to
document that on https://xdc2019.x.org/event/5/page/35-attending-xdc-2019
ACTIONS: Eric/Daniel to keep working with sponsors.
ACTIONS: Manasi to work with Collabora to get visa invitation letter process
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: fd.o admins
Some inquiries for paid admin time didn't turn up anything. Not really any
further comments.
STATUS: Pending

Daniel Vetter
Software Engineer, Intel Corporation

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