X.Org BoD meeting minutes 2023-05-17

Lyude Paul lyude at redhat.com
Wed May 17 22:33:04 UTC 2023

These are the meeting minutes the X.Org Board of Directors [1] meeting.
Minutes and IRC logs are published on the wiki [2, 3].

The X.Org board meets every two weeks on Thu/Fri (depending on your
timezone) in the #xf-bod IRC channel on irc.oftc.net. Please refer to the
X.Org Google calendar [4] for time and date of the next meeting.

For any issues that need to come to the attention of the board please email
me or board at foundation.x.org and we will add it to the agenda for the next

[1] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors
[2] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries
[3] http://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs
[4] https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nl1n1fmvu091eqh35ldqspar80@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=US/Pacific

== Disclaimer ==
Best efforts are made to ensure the below is accurate and valid. However,
errors sometimes happen. If any errors or omissions are found, please bring
them to my or the board's attention.

## Attendees

Sima Vetter,
Lyude Paul,
Emma Anholt,
Alyssa Rosenzweig,
Ricardo Garcia,
Christopher Michael,
Arkadiusz Hiler

Trevor Woerner

Mark Filion

## Summary

Agenda: XDC2022/XDC2023, GSoC/Outreachy/EVoC, SFC, rebranding, matrix

## Items discussed

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ITEM: XDC2022/XDC2023
No updates here, Roberto to talk to Samuel sometime soon to take over responsibility
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: GSoC/Outreachy/EVoC
Approved EVoC project for one student, discussion around having a member of the
board dedicated to handling GSoC/EVoC interactions so that we can make sure
that we're continuing to be active here.
STATUS: Pending

Alyssa mentioned that we should reeive an email sometime next week to schedule
a meeting with SFC to begin the transition
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: Rebranding
The change to the by-laws failed the vote. It's important to note here that the result wasn't a case of people voting no, but a direct result of the by-law we were trying to change which would have made member votes dependent on the results amongst members who actively voted (right now, members who did not vote yes or no are taken into account). So, we're now looking into some alternative ways in order to accomplish re-branding without changing the name of the foundation itself for the time being
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: Matrix
No updates here yet
STATUS: Pending Done

ITEM: New board positions
ACTIONS: We will be voting on these next week to give new board members time to ask questions. But also, welcome to our new board members!
STATUS: Pending

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