[Members] Corporate Priorities?

Egbert Eich eich at suse.de
Sun Oct 22 05:20:23 EDT 2006

Hi Matthew!

forgot to send this one out...

Matthew Rubenstein writes:
 > 	Candidates: you have another job that pays your income, other than your
 > X.org work. What are your employer's priorities for your role in X.org?
 > What are your employer's priorities for the ongoing work of X.org? What
 > are you employer's priorities for X itself, regardless of your work on
 > it, or its foundation?

I'm representing myself on this organization - all my views are 
solely my personal not the one of my employer. I never had nor will 
have any intention to represent my employer or any other entity but 
myself nor do I have a mandate from my employer to do so in any way. 

My employer is purely interested in the technical outcome of this 
project and the progress it makes. X is a vital component on the 
open source desktop - but also on server products you cannot live 
without it.
My employer is interested in continuing open source support for 
state-of-the-art hardware, for improvements in hardware configurability
using the capabilities of todays hardware (on the fly reconfiguration 
of mutli head setups, hot plug support, mobile devices etc.) new 
rendering technologies based on the capabilities of today's hardware
(3D programmable shader etc).
Furthermore it is interested in support of a wide range of architectures
as its product line supports everything from x86 PC to s390x mainframes.

My employer has supported and continues to support these effords by 
providing manpower.

My employer is interested that the organization runs well.
Noone tries to influence me or my decisions in any way.
I do not discuss my work on the Board with my manager.

During all my time at my current employer the only time 
when project related issues were addressed by my management 
was  when my employer had to make a decision regarding 
which direction to follow for future products. This 
happened only at times when XFree86 was faltering and
loosing more and more contributors  or when the license 
change to the XFree86 v1.1 license caused uproar in the
In these situations my  employer never ever tried to control 
the direction of my decisions - which I also would not exect.


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