X.Org BoD meeting minutes 2022-11-16

Lyude Paul lyude at redhat.com
Wed Nov 16 20:16:42 UTC 2022

These are the meeting minutes the X.Org Board of Directors [1] meeting.
Minutes and IRC logs are published on the wiki [2, 3].

The X.Org board meets every two weeks on Thu/Fri (depending on your
timezone) in the #xf-bod IRC channel on irc.oftc.net. Please refer to the
X.Org Google calendar [4] for time and date of the next meeting.

For any issues that need to come to the attention of the board please email
me or board at foundation.x.org and we will add it to the agenda for the next

[1] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors
[2] http://wiki.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries
[3] http://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs
[4] https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nl1n1fmvu091eqh35ldqspar80@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=US/Pacific

== Disclaimer ==
Best efforts are made to ensure the below is accurate and valid. However,
errors sometimes happen. If any errors or omissions are found, please bring
them to my or the board's attention.

## Attendees

Daniel Vetter,
Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez,
Lyude Paul,
Emma Anholt,
Alyssa Rosenzweig,
Ricardo Garcia

Trevor Woerner

Manasi Navare,
Mark Filion,

## Summary

Agenda: XDC2022/XDC2023, SFC, Matrix, Not-Twitter

## Items discussed

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No news
STATUS: Pending

We currently have one formal proposal for XDC2023 but are looking for more
STATUS: Pending

Lyude went through and came up with a git branch with all of the suggested SFC
by-law changes if we were to join SFC
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: Matrix
Discussion of trying to get Freedesktop.org onto Mastodon, as alternatives like
Discord have already been seeing some interest from the community (and we'd
like to keep things open :)
ACTIONS: Lyude is going to ask SFC if they have any plans on running a Matrix
instance, along with just generally looking around
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: Not-twitter
We should get accounts for X.org on social media websites that aren't Twitter
setup in preparation for Twitter's demise.
ACTIONS: Lyude to also poke SFC to see if they have a mastodon instance they'll
be using that we might want to join
STATUS: Pending

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